Payment methods have evolved a lot in recent years, leading to the idea that cash is becoming increasingly obsolete. This is because cards have become the favorite payment method for many people, with almost 18% sure that it will be the payment method of the future.
But little by little, another new system is gaining ground, and while paying with a card is convenient, fast, and easy, having the card integrated in the smartphone is even more so. Since, although the card itself is small and barely weighs anything, we generally always carry it in our wallet, which means one more thing we have to put in our pocket before leaving home.
However, the mobile phone is the device that accompanies us wherever we go, even if it’s just to take out the trash, so logically it makes a lot of sense to keep the card on it.
The drawback is that these devices have a battery that runs out, and in principle if our phone shuts down, we would be unable to pay. But from Apple, who justifies the prices of the iPhone with small details, they have a function that allows you to do what many believed was impossible.
How to pay with the iPhone even when it’s turned off
Although activating this function is very simple, it is very important to remember that this is very dangerous and should only be done in specific cases and always with a prepaid card with few funds.
This is because by activating the function that allows payment with the iPhone turned off, anyone could do it, because in this case it does not require any PIN, code, or biometric identification to do so, and if it were stolen, they could make purchases, albeit with a limit of between 20 and 50 euros per time.
To activate this function, we will have to access the Wallet app, look for the card we want to activate with this mode, click on Card Details and find the section called Express Card and activate it.
This way, this card will be working and will allow you to make payments even when your iPhone is turned off, although it is worth noting that the phone will need to respond, so just like with other functions like Find My iPhone, you can use it for 1 or 2 days after it shuts down, but it will not work after a week.
Additionally, you can also use this function with transport cards and other loyalty cards, which is highly recommended as this way you don’t put all your money at risk and it can save you in more than one tight spot.