Sondra King, hailing from Phoenix, is one of many individuals utilizing AI to her advantage. While working as a nurse, she also operates her own business, Rosewater and Castiron, where she excels as a master crafter. “I utilize ChatGPT every single day,” she shared.
“It’s my tool for crafting product descriptions, promoting my site, and generating keywords to help others discover my website.” By integrating AI into her daily processes, King has experienced significant growth in her business. She offers assistance to clients for special events and helps fellow artisans enhance their skills. Beyond creatively earning with AI, it also aids in optimizing personal financial decisions, including investments.
“It can be a bit daunting, don’t you think? AI in finance, AI in investments, managing taxes,” remarked Alexander Harmsen, CEO of PortfolioPilot, an automated financial advisory service.
King’s AI-empowered side venture
“Our platform is genuinely capable of providing fiduciary advice.” Harmsen emphasized that his firm is recognized by the SEC as an investment advisory entity and adheres to a strict compliance framework. PortfolioPilot services 22,000 users, offering guidance on estate planning and taxation, all monitored cohesively. “We are currently overseeing approximately $20 billion in assets on our platform, and it’s rapidly growing,” Harmsen added.
“There’s immense interest in this area, especially since we don’t charge any upfront fees.”
Undoubtedly, an increasing number of individuals are turning to AI solutions to improve their efficiency at work. For instance, King is likely to double her sales compared to last year. “Absolutely!” exclaimed King.
“As much as I enjoy conversing and have an abundance of words, I don’t consider myself as inventive as ChatGPT… she’s my go-to buddy.”
AI is unlocking new paths for personal and business financial advancement. As more individuals like King and Harmsen delve into these tools, the outlook for enhanced income and improved financial management seems better than ever.