Marcus Robinson, with just a year under his belt, has successfully revolutionized the oil change industry with his innovative business M&K Mobile Oil. Focused on client convenience, the business offers efficient and reliable mobile oil change services to its customers. The core of its service is a convenient door-to-door approach, delivering oil changes directly to the customers’ preferred locations.
M&K Mobile Oil relies on technology to manage appointments, track services, and conduct follow-ups, enhancing the overall customer experience. This strategy reflects Robinson’s diverse expertise gained from a decade at Wal-Mart and managerial roles at Cannon Toyota, Cannon Honda, Vicksburg Ford, and George Carr.
Robinson and his wife conceptualized the mobile oil change concept and transformed a van into a mobile service station. This pioneering initiative gained traction in the market, attracting a growing client base and driving business growth.
The business launch included essential supplies such as oil change stickers, maintenance record sheets, new tools, spare products, GPS navigation, safety equipment, cleaning supplies, and paperwork.
Revolutionizing oil change with mobile service
Robinson’s attention to detail in meeting all customer needs highlights his dedication to exceptional service.
The pivotal moment for the business came with the completion of the first oil change request on January 12. This initial success sparked a wave of service requests, filling Robinson’s calendar with appointments and marking the official start of his venture.
Within the first month, he serviced six vehicles on the first day and 50 by the end of the month. The positive reception of his unique service concept led to increased demand, prompting Robinson to hire a team of mechanics to manage the influx of requests. Despite challenges like inclement weather, the team remained dedicated to delivering exceptional service.
In conclusion, Robinson’s commitment to excellence and innovation has positioned him as a local success story. He continues to push the boundaries of auto maintenance, setting new standards in the industry.